Monday, November 22, 2010

how last earthquake in Haiti affects me

January 12 2010,  It was   5:45  when  I got a   call from  Haiti . My friend tried to explain  the  situation to  me   : " it seems  we're going  to die,  he  said ,  the house  keep  shaking.....Hello...Hello  ..Are  you still here ?.....It' s really dark  where I am  .....Hello ....Do  you hear  me  ?" . That was  the  lasts  words  I heard  from him. Right  away  ,  I tried to contact  him  ,  to get  some   some  news  from  my  family  also,  but  in vain . All  telephone  networks  around  the country  were dead . Then , after   two days , my  cousin  called  me  to  let  me  know  that  my family was  ok  . Those  two  days  are  the longest  dayS  in  my  life ,and  the  worst . I "ve  never  cried  that  much   before . nervetheless . I still lost  some   good   friends  overthere. they"re gonna  be  in  my  mind   for  eternity .

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